I would like to support my immune system
What does it mean to have a good immune system?

A well-functioning immune system protects you against pathogens such as bacteria and viruses. It ensures that foreign substances are fought within your organism to heal properly. With an optimal immune system, you do not have to worry about your health, because it self-cares and restores of all the encountered infections.

I would like to optimize my metabolism
What does it mean to optimize your metabolism?

If your metabolism is functioning optimally, you don't have to worry about what and how much you eat and how this changes your weight. This is usually the case with children. While you can enjoy your food, excess fat is broken down and no new fat tissue is built up.

I would like to improve my primary care
What does optimal primary care mean?

An optimal basic supply means that your body is supplied with everything it needs, so that you do not have to worry about it. If the basic supply is right, you are stress resistant, have energy, can sleep well and feel fit and balanced. Your body functions smoothly. You are optimally supplied.

I want to feel more alive
What does liveliness mean?

You love your life in the here and now, look forward to every new day and see the future positively. You are still fit after work, can pursue your hobbies and spend time with family and friends. You have dreams and goals and also the energy and motivation to realize them. You can enjoy life and cannot imagine that there is anything better. You feel alive.